But why?

Lets just cut to the chase, big tech companies like Google are constantly harvesting your data for money. Yes, they are getting your privacy for money.

Dont believe me? According to this article from the Associated Press, Google tracks your location at all times, whetever you like it or not. And Facebook unfairly tracks all of your data.

To summarize these sources and Google's own privacy policy, these are what big tech collects.

  1. Location
  2. Payment Methods
  3. Personal Information
  4. Browser History
  5. Private Emails
  6. Voice and audio information
  7. People who you contact with
  8. IP Address
  9. Unique identifiers (identifiers for you only)
  10. Everything you search
  11. Activity on third party sites that use Google's services
  12. Your GPS and other sensor data.
  13. When you use Google Documents

This is just a list of what Google collects, other big tech companies or social media will also have similar policies but all you need to know is that big tech collects most of the data that was listed.

Big tech is also known for tracking you on sites that are not even related to google. They will use the services that the website uses like Google Analytics to gather data on you. Now think about that, you are still being tracked even when you are not on their website!

They also use your data to build a profile on you and give you personalized stuff. Thats why when you see something you like pop up as an ad, you see its similar to what you like.

Now you might be asking, how do i stop this big tech company from tracking me?

Well, this is what this website was made for, so that you can get away from big tech. You can check out the homepage and tips on where to start.