Today we will teach you one of the fundementals to know during your journey to become more private and secure. Threat Modeling.
Threat Modeling is a very important fundemental in your journey, because it tells you what your boundaries are. These boundaries will allow you to
see what you want to use and do without tampering your everyday life. I will attempt to generalize this by making three areas that most people want to be in. These are:
- Hiding information from friends
- Hiding information from corporations (where we want most people to be)
- Hiding from governments (extreme)
If you do this, when chatting with like minded people on privacy, you can see what
you want to improve, and what to leave alone.
Anyways, I will explain (in basic terms) what you would do for each "area". So, if you just want to hide stuff from friends, this is really simple. You can simply:
- Change your passwords to be strong.
- Only keeping in to devices you own
- Turn off location (please do not have Snap Map on)
For the second area
(so for most people), you can:
- Switch to privacy-respecting alternatives for everything (including marketplaces like Amazon)
- Use VPNs
- Use a Pre-Paid Cell Phone plan (recommendations coming soon)
- Freezing your credit
- Remove all PII about you online
For the third area, just read this
Cupwire article about it. We have dipped our toes into it, but we are not experienced enough to cover this
alone (yet.)
Finished? Read
this article from us about emailing and aliasing services!